
The Fern room spray transports you on an exquisitely beautiful journey where floral and woody notes intertwine, creating a tapestry of emotions that delights the senses. This fragrance unfurls its mesmerising essence most profoundly within its heart notes. These heart notes emanate a delicate elegance, their charm enriched by the presence of spices that bring a refined depth.

Amidst this symphony, a subtle nuance of cinnamon gracefully emerges, its presence entwined with the foundational embrace of patchouli and cedarwood. Notably, the cedarwood introduces a revitalising, woody aspect that gently envelops the spiciness. Surprisingly harmonious, the foundation, which could seem intricate, reveals an impeccable artistry.

This composition shines as a testament to masterful craftsmanship. The dance between patchouli and musk achieves a state of equilibrium, woven seamlessly together to provide unity and a splendid conclusion to this olfactory voyage. The Fern room spray is more than a scent; it's an emotive journey that lingers like a cherished memory.


Spicy, Woody, Floral

How to Use

Before use, shake the bottle well. Test the spray on a small, inconspicuous area of fabric first to ensure compatibility. Hold the bottle upright and spray 2-3 times towards the center of the room, or directly onto fabric from a distance of 6-8 inches. Avoid spraying towards the face and eyes. Do not use on leather, suede, silk or any fabrics that may water spot.

Care and Safety

Store your room spray in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Avoid spraying near open flames, heat sources, or electrical equipment. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Room sprays are intended for external use only. Do not ingest or spray directly onto your skin. If accidental ingestion or skin contact occurs, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary. If the room spray comes into contact with your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical attention if necessary. If you have any respiratory conditions or sensitivities, use with caution and consult a healthcare professional before use.


  • Room
  • Office
  • Car
  • Bathroom

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